One step at a time

Walking outside is good. The weather is getting warmer.
I have a routine now a days. Half hour exercise in the morning. Then go with the day. May be a bit of cooking, the South Indian style or the fusion one. 
Started learning Food and Mood from Futurelearn. It is free to learn. It is just information I need : not certificate. 
Walked out yesterday evening, for an hour. Not many people on the road. There were few people in the park. We didn't stay in the park. Just walked. 
Kids area is not used at all. That feels good! I took one more in the park. There are lot of dandelions. It is less than a week ago though. 
 I got the photo of sunshine and shadow in one shot. Obviously, thee are more walks in the coming days. Starting is the trouble. One step at a time....
