Books I finished: The Hope Circuit

 I haven't updated the blog for some time.

Life is busy again with work. A new full time job with longer commute is taking all my time and energy. 

Then, there are physical ailments, like, shoulder pain and knee pain... 

Long commute is the new time to read and lost in thoughts. Interesting right?

Recently I finished the book, "The Hope circuit" by Prof Seligman. 

It is an autobiography. It captured my interest, like it is a story. How he felt like in the school of wealthy boys and how his research on "Learned Helplessness" became a study on "Optimism". 

I love Seligman's style of writing. It is simple for me to understand, yet talks about serious subject. 

The book was downloaded from TPL as an ebook. They have some other titles from the same author is available to hold. It will take some time to get the next book, "Flourish". 

This book is available in amazon to buy. 
